Social media reach: How Canadian business schools fare
Business schools face significant marketing challenges. Consider who they’re marketing to. There’s Shane, the high school senior interested in pursuing an undergraduate degree. Ling is researching PhD programs that will set her up for a future in academe. Robert has been an engineer for five years and is now primed for an MBA. Kate wants […]
Why aiming for the moon is not such a great idea
I can’t remember the last time I made a New Year’s resolution, though I readily admit it’s a tempting time for a personal “reset” or goal-setting exercise. A little self-delusion can’t hurt. Organizations can feel the itch, too. In extreme form, it’s known in corporate-speak as “setting stretch goals.” Popularized by Jack Welch of General […]
Who’s afraid of an innocent T-shirt?
T-shirts are so ubiquitous and bound up in our consumer and pop culture that it’s easy to overlook them as deliberate communication platforms. Sure, we display our tribal affiliation by wearing T-shirts imprinted with the logo of our alma mater or favourite sports team. But more interesting to me are those T-shirts designed and worn […]
What Corporate Social Responsibility Looks Like Today
In 1970, the management theorist Alvar O. Elbing coined the term corporate social responsibility (CSR), capturing the first stirrings of a significant shift in thinking within corporations. The coming decades would see the rise of stakeholder theory, which argued that corporations must be sensitive to the demands of employees, customers, investors, and the larger communities […]
You say you want an innovation revolution? Here’s what you’re up against (a 4-pack!)
There is a maxim in organizational studies: “bad is stronger than good.” It means that the painful fallout from a toxic employee will overwhelm the positive vibes from a cheery co-worker. Or the goodwill earned by an otherwise supportive leader will be undone by one ill-considered comment. I suspect the same is true for innovation […]