Facebook, the batty granny that you try to ignore

You can probably make a strong case, based on anecdotal evidence, that most large companies view Facebook as a necessary evil, the price of admission in communicating with consumers. More than any other communications channel, Facebook and its social media ilk are messy sandboxes that are difficult to keep clean. Give people a platform and […]
Communicating corporate social responsibility to Generation Me

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) presents communicators with a special challenge. CSR initiatives offer great opportunities to reposition a company and connect with stakeholders. But communicators have to be careful not to make CSR look like a marketing ploy. This “promoter’s paradox” is a difficult balancing act. It probably explains why corporate communicators tend to take […]
Shining the boss’s CV: when culture rears its head

So you’re the corporate spinmeister, and your assignment today: write a profile of the CEO that makes him/her look competent and on the ball. What do you focus on? Well, that depends on what side of the Atlantic Ocean you company is based. If you’re with a North American corporation, you’ll likely practise the black […]
Real fun, fake fun, and a lesson from Swedish meat packers

If you work in certain parts of the U.S., you have the chance once a year to celebrate Fun Day. Perhaps on that special day, you made you co-workers address you by your pro-wrestling name. Maybe you placed your garbage can on the desk and labelled it “Inbox”, or channeled Celine Dion during a karaoke break. […]
When in doubt, newbie, open with a joke

Humor can be a most subtle and effective organizational communication technique. Used wisely, it can help people navigate within power relationships, manage emotional tension, and build cohesive teams. So it’s no surprise that researchers are warming to the subject of fun and humor in the workplace. In the next post, I’ll highlight a few studies […]